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Pushing your container - Choosing between Patr's Container Registry and Docker Hub

Containerization has revolutionized the way we package and deploy applications. With the rise of Docker, the container ecosystem has grown rapidly, and with it, the number of container registries has increased. Docker Hub is one of the most popular container registries, but with recent changes to their pricing model, many users are looking for alternatives. Patr's container registry is an excellent option, offering a more secure and streamlined experience.

One of the most significant advantages of using Patr's container registry is that it is private by default. Docker Hub is a public container registry, which means that anyone can access and download images from it. While this might be convenient for open-source projects, it can pose a security risk for commercial applications that require private images. With Patr's container registry, users can rest assured that their images are secure and only accessible to authorized users.

Advantages of Patr's container registry

Patr's container registry also integrates seamlessly with Patr's other features. When an image is pushed to the registry, Patr's deployment service can automatically update the Deployment with the new image. This ensures that the latest version of the application is always running, and reduces the risk of downtime due to outdated images. Additionally, Patr's container registry allows for better integration with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), which enables fine-grained control over who can access and modify images.

Another advantage of using Patr's container registry is its ease of use. The registry is tightly integrated with Patr's platform, which means that users can manage their images from within the Patr UI. The user interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for users to upload, tag, and manage their images. Patr's container registry also supports Docker's image format, which means that users can use their existing Docker tools and workflows.

Enterprise grade support

Finally, Patr's container registry offers an enterprise-grade level of support. Patr's team is available 24/7 to provide assistance with any issues or questions that users might have. This level of support is especially important for mission-critical applications that require high availability and uptime.

In conclusion, Patr's container registry is an excellent choice for users who are looking for a more secure, streamlined, and easy-to-use container registry. With its private-by-default approach, seamless integration with Patr's platform, and advanced features, Patr's container registry is a compelling alternative to Docker Hub. As the container ecosystem continues to evolve, Patr's container registry is well-positioned to grow along with it, and handle all the needs of the users.

Building an image for Patr registry

If you're looking to build a new image and push it, you can build your new image with the repository name as a tag and push that tag.

If you're using Docker, you'll need the following:

  1. A Dockerfile in the working directory of your code (head onto the Quick Start Guide for a Dockerfile for popular frameworks).
  2. Docker installed (you can get docker here).

Once you have a Dockerfile, you can run the following command:

docker build . -t

Note: In case you face any permission issue, try running the command with sudo docker <command> instead of docker <command>.

Pushing an existing image

If you have an existing image locally (let's call it imagename:stable for this example), and want to push it to Patr's Container Registry (let's say to, you can retag it and push it. If you're using Docker, you can run the following command:

docker tag imagename:stable

Once you have an image tagged, you can push it to Patr's Container Registry by running the following commands:

docker login -u <username>
docker push

Replace <username> with your Patr username, and when prompted for your password, use the password that you use to login to Patr.

Further Reading

Working with Patr's Container Registry
Creating a Deployment